Downtown Dogs: Meet Wick & Roo

Mike ColvinDowntown Event


Lifelong downtown residents Wick and Roo are sisters who live at Cooper Lofts. They took time out of their busy schedule to share their thoughts with the Downtown Dayton Partnership and you about why they love their urban lifestyle.


DDP: How long have you been downtown residents?

Wick: Oh, we’ve lived downtown our entire lives.

Roo: Yes, since we were just little pups. Our Dad, Cory Frolik, brought us to our first home at the St. Clair Lofts. Do you remember our first place, Wick?

W: Oh yes. We had lots of other neighbors and their Humans to say “hello” to when we were coming or going.

R: Yes, and they had a nice patio out back where Dad let us hang out while he visited with friends.

W: We were right above lots of shops and a nice hair salon. There was a restaurant there and the smells were just heavenly!

R: The smells are still great! When Dad walks us past our old stomping grounds at the St. Clair Lofts, there’s now a bakery! So many interesting smells in that block – the sweet frosting on the cupcakes, the scent of fabrics from the suit shop, the earthy wood smells from the home goods store, the herbal fragrances from the cosmetics shop, the pungent aroma of sweaty small Humans playing soccer, and the heady bouquet from the salon.

W: Dad decided it was time for him to invest in a home, and he bought a condo at Cooper Lofts. It’s much bigger than our first home, which is great for playing “get the ball.” There are some stairs that can be tricky to negotiate, but Dad carries us up when it’s bedtime.

R: What I love are all the nice warm spots to enjoy. There are huge windows that let in tons of sunlight, and there’s a fireplace that’s so cozy for winter naps.

W: Our home really is an all-season napping paradise.


DDP: What other kinds of activities do you enjoy in your downtown home?

R: Well, besides napping and distracting Dad, we are very much guard dogs, and we take our duties seriously.

W: Oh yes. If someone knocks at the door, we are quick to sound the alert.

R: Even bugs. Dad must know when there is a bug in the house.

W: If we’re feeling peckish, we’ll just dispatch the intruder ourselves.

R: …That’s gross, Wick.

W: Oh come on, Roo. You always ask me to save the crickets for you.

R: Well, anyway, we do our part to keep our downtown home tidy. The kitchen floor is practically spotless; you could eat off it. You know, more than usual. For regular mealtimes.


DDP: What are some of your favorite downtown places to visit?

W: Cooper Park is right across the street from our home. It’s such a fun place to visit! There are lots of Humans going in and out of the new library.

R: And when school is in session, we hear the kids from DECA Middle School playing outside. Cooper Park is a great place to encounter Humans who want to give us pats and scratches.

W: Oh yes! RiverScape MetroPark is just a couple blocks away, and that’s another great spot for interesting smells and so many pats.

R: There’s a lot of wildlife to see, like the ducks and squirrels.

W: But not geese. Geese are scary. So are some of the baby Humans. The sticky ones.

R: Sometimes Dad takes us to the Oregon District. Lots of shops are dog-friendly. They have bowls out for us to enjoy a cool drink, and some stores sell treats and toys!

W: Shop owners love us. Humans strolling the District love us. We don’t mean to brag, but we’re pretty famous.

R: From Dad’s social media posts to his computer screensaver, we’ve put in a lot of hours modeling and being really cute. It’s not easy being so adorable. People everywhere just want to see us and pet us.

W: But we’re more than a couple pretty faces. We’re also fierce athletes.

R: That’s right! We’re competing in the Running of the Wieners race during Derby Days in the District on Saturday, May 5.

W: We’ve been training for months. Our cardio routine includes “walk,” and “get the ball.” For strength conditioning, we’ve been ripping apart our blankets and toys.

R: It’s hard work.

W: Some might say it’s … rough.


W: Rough?


W: You’re no fun.


See a variety of homes on the free Downtown Housing Tour, 1-5 p.m. Saturday, May 5. For more information about downtown housing options, browse the new online directories.



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