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Here are answers to some of the most common questions we hear about downtown parking.
If you have other questions, please feel free to contact us for info.
Where can I find a map of downtown parking?
You’ve come to the right place. View our interactive parking map here.
How many parking spaces are there downtown?
Downtown has more than 13,000 parking spaces:
10,000+ spaces in garages
2,000+ spaces in surface lots
1,300+ spaces at parking meters
When is the busiest time to park?
The peak demand for downtown parking is from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.
How much does it cost to park downtown?
The average monthly cost for parking in a downtown garage in 2017 was $72. The average monthly cost for parking in a downtown surface lot was $60. And a short walk can you save you some dough: some lots on the perimeter provide parking for as little as $1.00 for all-day parking. Meters range in cost depending on location from as low as 25 cents per 30 minute minimum. The length of time allowed at a parking meter is based on its location. Meters in front of businesses can be as short as 30 minutes while meters on the perimeter of downtown can be as long as 10 hours.
As a comparison, a premier garage in the heart of downtown Dayton costs about $90 per month, versus $220 per month in Cincinnati, $185 per month in Columbus, and $215 per month in Cleveland.
Why do people have to pay to park downtown?
Downtown Dayton is the center of the region’s business, cultural and entertainment activities. In an approximately 40-block area, we have more than 800 businesses with thousands of employees and patrons who need to park their vehicles. This density of businesses and entertainment destinations translates into an increased demand for parking. Charging for parking helps to make parking available for those who need it. All-day parkers pay to park in locations like garages and lots, freeing up curbside space for short-term business patrons.
Who enforces on-street and off-street parking?
On-street parking spaces are monitored and enforced by the City of Dayton and privately-owned lots and garages are monitored by their operators.
Why does Dayton have parking meters?
Metered spaces are intended for short-term parking. They benefit drivers by ensuring that parking spaces regularly become available so they can quickly access downtown destinations, like retail shops, restaurants, or accountants’ and attorneys’ offices. This is good for the businesses who want their patrons to have quick and convenient access to their offices and storefronts. Metered spaces also benefit those patrons as it encourages turnover of parking so spots are constantly becoming available.
Where does the money I pay for parking go?
Money collected at City of Dayton meters, lots, and garages funds various City services. Money collected at private lots and garages goes, in part, to cover maintenance and costs associated with the operation of those facilities.
Is there special event parking?
Many venues downtown host special events throughout the year. Many parking garages and lots will offer special pricing during those events. Keep in mind that garages and lots closest to the event will tend to cost more while those further away may be less expensive. Please check our parking map and contact operators directly if you have specific questions about their special event rates.
Is security provided?
Downtown is routinely patrolled by City of Dayton Police as well as the Downtown Ambassadors. The Ambassadors, easily spotted in their “safety green” shirts in warm weather and blue jackets in inclement weather, provide cleaning and safety services downtown, acting as extra eyes and ears for the police. If they see suspicious behavior, they report it to the police. However, any time you leave your car unattended, take the simple precautions of locking your car and keeping valuables out of sight. Security services in private lots and garages vary. Some facilities have tight security with regular patrols, but not all do. It’s a good question to ask when looking for monthly parking.
Is there parking for the disabled?
Yes, many surface lots and garages offer parking for the disabled. There are also on-street, metered spaces near building entrances and sidewalk ramps in order to make access easy for the disabled.
What days and hours are parking meters enforced?
Parking meters are enforced from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday. They are free overnight on weeknights and all weekend. So if you’re coming downtown for a ballgame, trip to theater, or just dinner on a weeknight or weekend, you have plenty of free parking options on the street near your destination.
Why are parking meters sometimes unavailable?
Meters may be covered by bags that prohibit parking when there are special events downtown. Many of our region’s schools attend special programming events at The Benjamin & Marian Schuster Performing Arts Center or Victoria Theatre during the school year, for example. During those times meters are bagged for the school bus parking. Meters may also be bagged while construction companies complete work in close proximity to the meters.
How can I find parking spaces for my employees?
The Downtown Dayton Partnership has created to be your number one resource when looking for parking for employees. You can contact operators directly by using our interactive map. Of course, should you have any unanswered questions about parking or are in need of more information, you can always contact Chris Lewis at