New DORA Goes into Effect this Week

Mike ColvinFast Facts

Downtown Dayton’s Designated Outdoor Refreshment Area (DORA) will be launched this Wednesday, June 14. Dayton City Commissioners voted in late May to approve the expansion which was soon approved by the State of Ohio Liquor Control. DORA was originally started in the Oregon District in 2020. The new downtown Dayton DORA includes a broader footprint of downtown Dayton and will dissolve and incorporate the previously established DORA into the new boundaries.

“The expansion of DORA has remained a top priority for downtown Dayton’s recovery from the pandemic,” said Sandra K. Gudorf, president of the Downtown Dayton Partnership. “We are grateful we have been able to work closely with our constituents and city leaders to allow so much more of downtown to be included in the program.”

A map of the new boundaries, rules, and more information is available on the Downtown Dayton DORA webpage, and can be accessed by scanning QR codes on the designated DORA cups.

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